All remaining Covid19 restrictions have now been lifted.
This means that face coverings in the treatment room are now optional.
And you'll no longer need to sign a Covid19 screening form before each appointment.
Please continue to follow the guidance below.
Please do not come to the clinic if you are feeling unwell in any way. If you are displaying COVID19 symptoms please reschedule your appointment.
If you've recently had your vaccine it's best to wait at least 48 hours following your jab before you come in for a massage.
If you have access to lateral flow tests, please consider doing one before your appointment. Although this is not mandatory.
Face coverings are no longer mandatory in indoor settings. However, if you want to wear a mask to your treatment that's all good. I have a spare stash of masks so if you forget yours let me know and I'll bring one out to the waiting area for you.
At the entrance to the clinic waiting area there is a sanitiser station. Please sanitise your hands on arrival.
The waiting area is regularly cleaned throughout the day and is well ventilated.
Don't arrive too early for your appointment, and arrive alone. The waiting area holds a maximum of 2 at any time. Appointment times are staggered to avoid cross over of clients coming in and out of the clinic.
When you come into the treatment room there's a sanitised box for you to stick your belongings in. Please try to limit the number of items you bring with you as there is no other storage available.
Treatment couch, pillow covers, and bolsters are sanitised before each treatment using anti-viral spray. All hard surfaces and touch points are also sanitised between clients. The treatment room is well ventilated and each room has an air purifier.
You'll no longer need to complete and sign a Covid19 screening form. Instead I'll carry out a verbal health screen before your massage.
Water will only be provided in an emergency. So if you need a post-massage refreshment, bring it with you.
Remember to sanitise your hands when you leave.
If you are unsure of anything and have any questions before your treatment please don’t hesitate to drop me an email.
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